Hi, we're sisters Sarah & Lindsay

Our idea for Merry Go Round comes from a desire to do what we can to care for the Earth and our passion and belief that mums need to be kind to themselves and remember just how amazing they are


We both gave up our professional careers to become full time mums  and have four children between us. Whilst being an incredibly rewarding experience we readily admit that neither of us anticipated the loss of self-identity or inability to prioritise ourselves that comes with bringing up children.

We understand the pressures too – from social media to give the perfect childhood, the guilt of not being good enough, managing the home / work / children... and have a growing background anxiety that we ought to be doing something to protect the planet for our children and future generations.

There’s a lot on all our plates

Merry Go Round is...

For you

A shopping experience that’s like Christmas any day of the year! That feeling of excitement and anticipation....'What's in the box?' with every delivery. We want to make shopping for your children’s clothes easy, something to look forward to and a lot more fun than a trip to the high street with little ones in tow. It’s the way we would love to shop for our children's clothes

In addition we'd like to think we're more than just a destination for buying and selling preloved children's clothes. Our Inspiration page brings you hints, tips and hacks to make life easier and our Instagram account @merrygoroundpreloved features a simple regular #FeelgoodFriday idea just for you. We'd love you to follow along

For the Planet

Having both studied Geography based degrees at University we’ve always shared an interest in travel and the world about us and really feel a responsibility to help protect the planet for our children and our children's children.

We recognise that we can’t do everything to solve the problem but we can all do something.

There's so much focus currently on fast fashion and the harmful effects of the textile industry on the planet. Coupled with the fact that children grow and grow fast, extending the life of their 'grown out but not worn out' items seemed an obvious way for us to do our bit.


We’ve tried selling on social media sites, second-hand sites and at face to face sales. It’s hard work and takes a lot of time (for often little return). Finding the ‘good stuff’ to buy can be pretty stressful too.

Through our own experience, talking to friends and asking lots of other mums we’ve tried to create an easy and convenient way to buy and sell your children’s quality outgrown clothes.


Merry Go Round comes from the heart and with love for our children, our planet and fellow mums, Sarah & Lindsay xx